These last few days have certainly been odd weather-wise, 60's and sunny for January! I live in the Midwest which is famous for its extremely changeable weather but this kind of temperature spike brings global warming into my front yard. The spring bulbs, particularly the hyacinths have started to poke their little green noses through the protective leafy mulch. That would be fine if this could actually be considered a Spring; a day later, today in fact, we have freezing rain. I spent this morning transferring mulch from the compost rings to re-cover these little troopers in hopes of preserving them for actual springtime. I realize my puny efforts are probably in vain, but I hate the thought of another flowerless Spring. A few years back many buds were frosted, resulting in no lilacs and magnolias, nor apples and only a few undamaged daffodils and hyacinths. Mother Nature will have her way though, regardless of any of our human efforts.

Cold and wet as it is outside, I am happy inside working on finishing old projects. This shawl has been in the works for at least a year now and I am probably on my final ball of Boku yarn by Plymouth, color #2. The shawl has false cables with some yarn over lacy accents and was a very satisfying project when I didn't know how to cable knit. The pattern is from Plymouth Yarn Design, the Cabled Shawl #1197. The colors are just the cheery bit of warmth I enjoy, covering my knees as I knit this up.
Tea and hot chocolate drinking have commenced in earnest, as we snug down for a chilly evening.
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