The Missouri River has receded to its high normal banks; fortunately we had only had a few sprinkles of rain since June 4th, the larger thunderstorms passing us by. Weather this next week might drop some measurable rain but for now there is some wiggle room to avert serious flooding.

My brother visited for a few days and true to his handyman nature he started a "sealing my basement floor project," quite a massive undertaking but well worth the effort. I speak of minimizing possessions yet I did not realize how much random stuff migrated downstairs to hide among the cobwebs... Empty cardboard boxes alone were a significant component, you know,
too good to toss, I'll use them for something kind, but in reality they sit there, year after year, accumulating. Little did I know that when I made my kids clean their rooms years ago, they just boxed their stuff and took it to the basement rather than toss it; sneaky buggers! Happily, five years later, the kids' "hidden downstairs stuff" barely rated a glance before it was bagged for the trash. Finally, the actual floor painting took place over three separate days, because the oil base sealer was so strong smelling we had to take house-airing breaks, but as of Saturday afternoon it is
completely finished. My bro left for home midway into the project, so I was definitely motivated "git ur done" to get back outside into the garden.
Yesterday, I got the salad table planted with Bloomsdale spinach, Ruby red leaf, Buttercrunch, Simpson elite and Rossa di Trento lettuces. The exotic sounding Rossa lettuce was complimentary with my Seed Savers Exchange order. Please note their website here and do order some heirloom seeds for your garden.
The Goldenglow rose got a pruning and another spray with Neem oil as there is a bit of blackspot starting. Some overdue weeding is done and the back lawn is again mowed. Since the backyard turned into a pond with all the late May rain, I am nixing raised beds for that area. Instead I'm considering using the fenced garden area as a blackberry patch. I'll need to do some research before I purchase any plants since I'll need some "no care, doesn't mind the wet," plant for that piece of yard. The garden frame we made will go by the garage driveway for planting with zucchini and carrot seeds.
Love the idea of a 'salad table'. Looks like it has some screen on the bottom for drainage. We may need to make one for next spring. Maybe I should 'pin' yours!