Introspective has been my mood of late... Knitting projects set aside for a bit, perhaps this my mistake, while the weather is simply cold & grey. Of course I've been on Pinterest, hoarding and vicariously enjoying the lovely photos on my boards, yet still being burdened by the sense of wasting time waiting.... Waiting to start classes, waiting for the Spring thaw, waiting for a break. It is not that I am not doing anything, it's just that I'm doing the same things. While all the small changes I accomplish, do not seem to be contributing any significant difference in my current day to day life.
I have taken some comfort in the quotes of Cicero. The Roman statesman, who as a non-supporter of Mark Antony, was ultimately beheaded by his adversaries. I am amazed at how many familiar quotations are attributable to the ancient rhetoric of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Here are a few of my favorites gleaned from this website,
"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others."
"Where there's life, there's hope."
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."

Quite inspirational concepts passed down through the ages and still meaningful today. Although I do have a garden and a library, there are obviously seasonal restrictions here in Missouri for garden comforts, so to the library I shall go. Cicero wisely said, "Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body," thus my treatment for these seasonal doldrums is an extensive dose of library and writing therapy. I shall also begin the annual winter sock knit-a-thon with my daughter and challenge ourselves to a more decorative sock pattern. A snowy weekend is expected so what better time to start something new...
Thanks for the inspiration! I'm saving these quotes.