Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 Begins

Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, FL
Wishing all a Happy New Year!  New Year's Eve was quiet here until midnight when the neighborhood erupted with fireworks. My son & I ate BLT sandwiches, sipped sparkling wine, and watched the first Independence Day movie on DVD. Hard to believe that movie is twenty years old. Years seem to be zipping by...

Are New Year's resolutions still a thing? I've never been a fan of resolutions, and I usually do not make them, but this year I signed up for an aerobics step class starting next week. I suppose this commitment to attend an exercise class twice weekly, is my resolution. All part of my 2017 plan to expand my thinking and get out of the ordinary... okay, get out of the "stay in one place" rut I have been since ankle surgery in mid 2015.

I have been reluctant to take risks for the last eighteen months, and stayed close to home. Now I am BORED, and want to have an adventure. It has taken a full year and a half to get back to walking real mileage, negotiating stairs, improving my balance, realigning my hips and strengthening my lower back. 

So, this is the year to celebrate my personal jubilee, and I am going to do some traveling. I will head to Florida soon, to visit with my aunts and soak up some sunny warmth. I am also touring Scotland later in the Spring, hence the need to take the aerobic step class. I have written previously (see mid post here: http://dustoffurthinkin.blogspot.com/2013/11/working-out.html ) about my trip to Paris in 2012; learning then, that we "lazy" Americans, lacking stairs and frequent neighborhood walks need to physically train to fully enjoy a European tour. I am preparing for Scotland with four months of step aerobics to beef up my ambulatory skills. So, besides my resolution to take an exercise class, I seem to be resolving to travel as well.  

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